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In the beginning, Clarke targeted the wedding industry, marrying the Lavender and Mint farmhouse tables she and Carlos built in their garage with her love of flowers. “The wedding industry is about one look,” she said. “They wanted my farmhouse tables, but they wouldn’t credit them. They wanted the tables, but didn’t want me. The event planner, a skinny white woman, was getting all the recognition.”

“When I started making the tables, I was excited that we were going to be part of a magazine,” Clarke said. “It was me wanting that recognition and wanting a seat at the table. I’d go to workshops and no one spoke to me. I’m a big, 200-pound woman with big curly hair. I was told, ‘Your name will get bigger than mine.’ I couldn’t find a group to be part of.”

“A lot of the Black creators and Black artists kept on sending their stuff. I said the credits weren’t enough,” said Clarke. “I took away my tables, but gained my power. I created my own lane, but made sure everyone was welcome.”

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